Monday, April 21, 2008

How To Make A Bath Tub From Concrete


A Trick of the Tail, the first blog I did gave me a great time. But I ended up boring Blogger. For each entry you published, I get a lot of spam messages, which is not pleasant.

why I have chosen to retain, exclusively, From My Desk , separating its contents with tags, to avoid contamination with off-topic on planet ubuntu-cl.

This starts a new stage.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

39 Weeks Pregnant White Creamy Discharge.

Trick Goodbye Cube Compiz Fusion in Ubuntu

It's been almost a week was made the JuntaUbuntera, an event that brought the Chilean community of Ubuntu users in Patmos College of ViƱa del Mar. Many

came to make a couple of questions, but the most recurring theme was on how to rotate the cube. To help everyone with that question here are the SS of the respective parts of my CCSM. First

to activate compiz in Gutsy: I went
Among Tuxes and Cucumbers

ccsm written in a console and hit enter. This will open the compiz settings.

icon then go to General Compiz Option. and leave it like this:

They return to the main frame and mark the cube as enable desktop and into the icon. There
configure its transparency.

Then we go to the icon Rotate the cube. On the General screen
they should look like:
Then in the actions tab, I have configured so that the cube is "away, ready to run" with mouse button 2 (the middle button, that of wheel) eye that this leaves the wheel unusable as an order "to paste the selected text" if you do not know what it is, is because you use it: D

Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Combat Shotgun Prices

Y. .. Another Mplayer - Change settings of the joystick buttons

First of all, saying that if you have not read the previous posts [1] [2] I've done on mplayer I count them:

- is my favorite movie player. That nobody cares, except maybe my girlfriend. (Sometimes watches movies with me.)
- I use the console, located in the folder containing the video and the video running with the command: mplayer-
-fs-zoom joystick
*.* Where:
- zoom is obvious.
fs is full screen - joystick lets you use the joystick as a remote control.
and *.* is any video that got and with any extension that you find (the play in order - if you want a particular video they change the name and extension of the video)

In the old entry I made about mplayer and possibility of using the joystick as a remote control, manuel let your button configuration. So far I did not need change the default one, which works quite well.

Well, today I wanted to assign functions to the rear of the joystick buttons (typical L2 R1 R2 L1 playstation).
I went to my wallet. Mplayer and the config file and added the options I wanted, namely to give the BTN4 (R1) the seek function -5 (back 5 sec) and the opposite BTN5 +5 or seek.

So I added the file as follows:
joystick buttons
JOY_BTN4 seek seek JOY_BTN5
+5 -5

Save, close and run I get an error on lines 24 and 25. (Those containing the configuration transcribed above)

Searching the internet I found the solution , is that the configuration inputs, joystick or other, must go to another file, which must have the name input.conf. In my wallet. I made a new file mplayer gave him that name: she added input.conf and joystick settings that I put above.

Now I can go back five seconds when I miss a subtitle.

Another little pill:
If you stumble upon a video of the sound lags the video in mplayer is arranged to provide: with the + and - you can begin getting up that fits (usually block the -600, or six times by pressing the - key.)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Where Can I Get Ecap S In Ms Saga?

Bill Advances net neutrality in Chile

reading the news bulletin Legislative Library of Congress, I came across a pleasant surprise: Advances bill net neutrality.

I have carefully reviewed its contents, but in short what is established is an amendment to the Consumer Protection Act, aimed at preventing the practice of traffic shaping and port blocking.

(copied from the preamble of the draft)
Traffic Shaping: also known as "throttling", consists of measures taken by the Internet provider for two purposes:
1. Reduce the consumption of bandwidth in protocols other than HTTP (web browsing), ie file transfers protocols Peer to Peer (P2P) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) limiting the usefulness of the link by the user as just browsing the net.
2. Improve overall network latency. In making traffcc shaping, you can get a better return on the links to the detriment of the ability of network users to transfer files.

The system operates through a router or a dedicated server that identifies the packets of connections, for example, P2P limiting their speed and getting quite inefficient transfer.
An example of the ability of ISPs to use these means is purchase by VTR Banda Ancha Nortel Networks Shasta 5000 team called in late 2003 for precisely this purpose.

Blocked Ports: Because Internet communications are conducted through various ports of entry or exit, it is possible that an ISP block certain ports to prevent the existence of any traffic through them. For example, if you decide to close the port 21, not be able to download FTP, or if we close the port 25 is not able to send emails from our computer.

A must add the previous two practices that limit the access speed, which prohibit the installation of equipment between the PC and modem or the prohibition of share access with others, among other practices that limit freedom of users to fully exploit the potential that the Internet has to offer.

later promise to review and discuss the project.

But surely good news.


Note. At the link are the names of the MPs presented the motion-of all parties. To take into account when voting.