Monday, December 17, 2007

Famosas Mexicanas Cachadas Cogiendo

Forgive me Father, I have sinned - Taking a small Stallman in consciousness - we know how proprietary software on your machine.

Today I ran Linux Zone with this small application called vrms (Virtual Richard M. Stallman) this friend helps us know how we have proprietary software installed on your machine, and top it with the above, gives us the names of these packages and their functions. It is useful to know which aspects are "to be."

In a terminal:
sudo apt-get install vrms

completion of the installation (10 seconds later: D)

What came to me:
Non-free packages installed on haruka

human-icon-theme Human Icon theme
ia32-sun-java6-bin Sun Java (TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (32-bit)
lha lzh archiver
Reason: No modifications allowed, non-network distributions problematic
linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.22 modules on x86/x86_64
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.22 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
nvidia-glx-new NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver
rar Archiver for .rar files
sun-java5-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architectu
sun-java5-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architectu
sun-java6-jre Sun Java (TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme
tango-icon-theme Tango Icon theme Reason
: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License
teamspeak-client VoIP chat for online gaming unrar
Unarchiver for. rar files (non-free version)
Reason: Modifications problematic

16 non-free packages, 1.0% of 1538 installed packages.
proprietary packages

16, guilty of my sins are nvidia, java, the. rar, some icons, and the board Ubunteros, for which I had to install teamspeak: D

Friday, December 7, 2007

Choose Your Love Language

Gnome-Do The "Simon Says" Gnome icons

Today Viva Linux reading , I learned that Quicksilver (MacOS another interesting trinket, but we are not interested: D) released his code and a student has created the equivalent for Gnome: gnome-do (this if we want).
to see that I understand is a kind of "simon says" (if not play simon says, is that I very young or very old) but the point is that through the key places you want to launch and implementation Showing you the options within your system.
So if you want to launch amule forget to go to Applications / Internet / amule, amule and listed just write!

I installed it and the result could not be better ...
In The video shows how it works

Now to install. If you use Gutsy is:
write in a console:

sudo gedit / etc / apt / sources.list file

Then add in that file the following:
# gnome-do
deb http://ppa.launchpad .net / rharding / ubuntu gutsy main deb-src

gutsy main Save and close
And then in the console:
sudo apt-get update & & sudo apt-get install gnome-do

And to make it work:
If you have compiz fusion running:
You can follow this post in relevant part (assign combination keyboard).
I assigned the control + space (read more information then I knew it was generally used)

If you have compiz running there is also a possibility, as the guy who made this post has a fault (Gnome-appears Do-logon).

why I stayed with the option of launching it from compiz-fusion


So far (I have not installed pluggins) I was able to launch:

Applications Documents, Files and Folders
web pages in my Firefox bookmarks (or forget to open firefox and hit the marker to go to the planet such as ubuntu-cl, simply type planet and throws )

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Berger Paints Jamaica Colour Samples

A Glas

Today I came across this page of icons, ( most are paid but the author has a section with free samples that can very well decorate our desks.

Most of us will only serve to recommend to the girlfriend, mother, daughter, sister or friend that we believe cross the line of change. Because I can not look great teddy bear as an icon of my folder / home / alvaro: D

But if we look carefully we can find some for "children" of the house.

Pd. One of the things that I like Gnome and I still like is the ability to "stretch the icons on the desktop.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Do U Like To Masterbate With Ur Thong On

a couple of weeks ago I acquired a taste for dark themes. I will not talk about its advantages because there are no judgments tastes that are worth just say they have, usually a problem: The web pages are meant to be navigated with clear themes, so many times we find content can not see (to me going even in the page of gmail). Well today
browsing I found this song called Glas , buttons and bars are a luxury, it is dark but has the problem stated above. Also, if color is all can be modified to suit the consumer.
Truth be told I had to darken a little "input boxes" but the color was accurate for both black letters white vein as well!!

To install the downloaded , then go to System> Preferences> Appearance tab
Making a theme and drag the file you downloaded.
then the customize button can change the colors. icons, etc. And when we're happy with the results stored with a name that identifies the issue in my case glas-alvaro (very original)

What To Wear When Getting Nipples Pierced

Change Control Board

Today I got the correction of the first chapter of my memory, the teacher corrected him occupying track changes in MS Office Word, for those who do not know are these glosses on the side of text indicates the changes that have made it.

Well obviously I do not use Word, but when I opened the document I found pleasantly surprised that OpenOffice has exchange controls, they have known before, many things would have been easier to do.

Change control OpenOffice is different from Word, in my humble opinion when changes are many, such as correction of gaps, is more efficient. Word adds color and the side notes, OOo does the same thing we do when we work hand sink that is erased and the points mark the news. The only must you have OOo are the comments that are marked with small yellow box and we put the mouse over to read it. It is somewhat annoying. Well

to activate change in control of OpenOffice should go to Edit> Changes and marked Record to start monitoring changes to see them make the Show.

To add a note precisely, we will go to Insert> Note (Can not be more intuitive)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pctv 150e 55e Switch Inputs

OpenOffice online Ubunteros

For both personal and work reasons I could not attend the meeting community Ubunteros ubuntu-cl. But thanks to the "wonders of technology" could be present so online via teamspeak.

was a pleasant experience at first as I logged on at about 12.00 am, I understood nothing, because all the voices sounded the same, then adopted the best practice to appear before taking the floor for what voices were taking names and everything became clear.

is not my intention to discuss the results of the meeting, but simply to share with those who were there (in person) that the online experience was not a can, on the contrary it was interesting and I think that we have discovered a new way to build community, and to make our monthly meetings, each time getting closer as human beings. "

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bogen 3051 Instructions

Cowbell - An organizer powerful music

If there is one thing I hate is to download a song from the internet and the name of the song is something like track 1, or the deleted tags, or in order that the "metadata" are wrong. All the applications I used were worse than the disease, leaving all the tracks finished with misinformation. Well
Cowbell discovered, only to be charged topics, you fix the disc name and artist and then have the option of searching (Internet) information to fix the metadata automatically.

to install ubuntu 7.10 can do it from "Add and Remove" must be enabled to show all available applications.

As I say they do not require a doctorate so to test!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Arccade Bolercade Manual

Protection Mechanisms Free Software - [Presentation]

almost six months ago that they had started the process of writing my memory, with the title (one of the few things that have not changed) Mechanisms for the Protection of Free Software. So much has happened in recent months (according Microsoft included) that I had planned has changed and things that did for granted after a second reading have become, well you will notice as you read. The first chapter and I have quite satisfied, the second I'm still writing.
The point is that taking a suggestion from Sergio Uribe, I'll share with you. version straight out of "keyboard." Eye that this version is "ultra tribe": D, legible, but still subject to change. It goes without saying that any questions, suggestions or comments would be well received, and better still if one is supported with a "source" online where you can review the information posted in order to add to the documentation. As for the technical aspects I have tried to be rigorous, but not lost of view that is a memory of law, where the technical aspects serve as a reference, but they are not important, so there are details that I overlooked or simply neglected. But if they think my mistakes are very rude appreciate any correction.

I have not read the introduction but I think I need to explain what it is and what is not, in order that we can understand better. First of all I must point out that protection mechanisms to Free Software is a memory that is part of the branch of economic law, which is the branch that studies including the regulation of markets (stock market, antitrust and related laws) and protection consumidor. Y allí es donde me centro, en todo lo que tiene que ver con la regulación del mercado del software, políticas tecnológicas y su impacto en la población, neutralidad tecnológica, el unbundling del software y el hardware y todo eso que está tan de moda gracias al Ministro Ferreiro y Cía.

La memoria la he dividido en dos capitulos: "Del Mercado del Software" y "Mecanismos de Protección al Software Libre". Donde el primero para la mayoría de uds no va a significar ninguna novedad, toda vez que se trata de situar al lector dentro del tema, con algunas conclusiones interesantes, pero que tampoco son de gran novedad. Me las reservo para que lean con atención :D. En el second chapter is interesting. But so will in due course.

In order not to make an entrance so great promise for later an outline of the first chapter and then publish the relevant themes.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Best Muslim Wedding Qoutes

Compiz already handles your head!!

few days ago we were bombarded everywhere with the news that M $ patent for the management of the PC with "mind." Well, here's a video demonstrating Compiz-Fusion that allows management to "head." Sorry
Bill and you forward. Outside
joke is a shame to allow patenting technologies that have not developed.
Now all that there were researching this technology, then thanks! maybe next time.
Nothing, just check it out.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Razor Dune Buggy Make It Faster

The Dictionary of the RAE in your browser

time ago I use this wonder. But I have whenever I have reinstall from scratch takes me a few minutes to find it. To keep in a safe place it here and I take to share with everyone.
In short it is a link that opens a window where you type the word and the browser looks on the page of the SAR gives us the word and its meaning, until you can conjugate verbs! Why use dictionaries poor if we can go to THE SOURCE .????
All you have to do is place the link as a bookmark (bookmark) in your browser and go!

Here are all the links

also thank the people of the SAR who seem to know that the world could only look through windows.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wedding Invitationfunny Messages For Friends

My new wallpaper

I'm obsessed with the wallpapers, I change it every Sunday. But it is not as easy as with TIMP I have become demanding. I guess there are many like me, so I decided to cooperate with those who have the same hobby.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Addressing Nudity In Art

My ubuntu told me .... Two chocherías

Today while waiting for a very important phone call I read so much whining of those that I like. Bus stop is undeniable Blog Maverick , where I found this wonder, an application that, simply, talk to your ubuntu. Well
Maverick says that "the application like any self-respecting frikadas is to console" but do not be afraid no difficulty.

Well without further ado, let's install ...
sudo apt-get install alsa-oss
Then talk to your typewriter, you put the following (the words are separated by commas):
aoss espeak-ves? Hi, I'm, you, ubuntu

adding-s handle the speed, maverick said that English is best between 120 and 170, with 170 the default speed, and we have no reason to doubt what you say: D.
something aoss espeak-ves-s120? Hi, I'm, you, ubuntu
I hope you enjoy in the Blog Maverick there are more options for this gem.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Una Ragazzamolto Viziosa Streaming

This last week I had two nice experiences Ubunteros. The first was this weekend, after using a couple of times my pc, my girlfriend decided to try ubuntu, the problem is that your computer is at home in La Serena, and I more than 200 km in Quillota so that he could not help directly in the plant. The only solution was to explain the main thing in my house and when she came to his guide her as much as possible (the blessed partitioned) via telephone, the result could not be more successful, currently has a brown and orange tinged, which starts with drums, not blue that begins with buzzer. It really was something I was very happy.

The second was today, my mind had to go to the library of the School of Law, Catholic University of Valparaiso, my alma mater: D. The main change since my graduation is the emergence of notebooks among the attendees, and great was my surprise Ubunteros observing a sticker (of the shipit) on a laptop that was not mine. Rare in a group of people where even Firefox is regarded with suspicion. I wanted to approach the boy, but when I saw it I had to go fast, my companion on the journey back was a subpoena and we were just in time, if not directly behind. Well another day will be.

I can only say "some day we will be legion

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

13th Invitation Quotes

Iconfinder - A form of icons

If you're tired of your desktop icons, here's the solution: Iconfinder , a form of icons, these icons are in png format, so if you are using GNU / Linux is a matter of downloading and is ready for use. Truth be told, does not have a "large" number of icons, but there is possibility of working with your "creations" so the stock will increase.

addition, following the "trend" can put labels, tags, icons, and therefore the site has a tag-cloud-tags to look if you do not know what you want.

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Hollister Outlet In Brampton

A little pill

making time today, check out some blogs interesting. And I found this note Ubunteros Errante speaking of GM v / s Microsoft. It's quite funny, and proves a point that long ago I turned on my bald head. All we are willing to endure an ineffective product. The reason I know, you can be comfortable or something much worse, belief, feeling or belief in regard to information technology the user has no rights. Since the rules of each company are so draconian that all without exception we make every day two or three illegal. But the point is that good laugh for a while and not bore you with my castles in the air (and again)

Friday, August 31, 2007

[*]i-catcher Console – Web Monitor

almost a month ago that the new version of Transmission is available in
For those familiar with this torrent client just say that version 0.80 contains a couple of features that the previous version did not contain, making this client, as regards my humble opinion, a full client (now it has the basics, everything else is pure fireworks that is useless and makes the thing heavy) News I've found:
- Selection torrent files from within to keep out of the discharge.
- Now you can create your own torrents.
- Select the download priority. This can be done even within single torrent, for example if you are dropping a set to give priority to caíitulos as you want to see ... and not have to wait until they are all to wait to see them ... roughly right?

Getdeb On page give a warning, in the sense of complete downloads before upgrading ... I must confess that I respected him, I had no problem, but I did it under my own responsibility: D Well

and those who do not know this wonder, tell you that this client is great, lightweight and fast. I I have been using for several months and I have no complaints (probably the only thing I missed was the ability to select files within the torrent to avoid be downloaded, but as I said this was fixed in this version) and what the priority of truth left behind all other customers.

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