Good morning to all our readers ..
Here we are again creating something that we feel more than proud. And I'm not just talking about the Weekly, but today we bring you a New TRIBUTE. In this case, as many already know we bring the tribute to a pilot who retires from sport, we say that is removed from the sport because football had abandoned some time ago and now despite all the millions who deals been removed permanently from the motorcycle as well.
and that is all and more that we more than sad to see from an athlete of such greatness. In this edition we will try to summarize his short but great career in motorcycling ..

His career began in 2006 when he was hired by the team "ULI RACING TEAM." It was a year that Gonzalo was absorbing the bike, as he had done with the soccer ball, trying to be one with his bike, which took him several problems and falls, but this titan of the motorcycle would not be yield, and is not going to give up because it brings in the blood. When averaged half of the year and had competed in the Grand Prix De Tarariras, henri the quarry on the outskirts of artillery, and the Xtreme Games, in the latter could compete against people your level and see their famous stunt called "Back Assassin" was close to perfect.
finally ended that first year and started 2007 we already know brought the perfection of his "Back Assassin" when Gonzalo has intended it in the quarry of henri and was finally able to achieve it, falling helmet and knocking him unconscious. Here no doubt realized that Gonzalo had accomplished what no one had been able to date and decided to leave the XTREME GAMES to engage in ground speed.

Here we see Pastrana perfecting his friend Gonzalo break, all you have to say is that Pastrana did not dare to complete the jump and Gonzalo did, but decided to drop the wheels instead of his helmet .. Is undoubtedly attractive, but no eggs or half of our pilot has to perform fully its "Back Assassin"
New Year (2008) brought a new sponsorships and new gonzalo memas too. Signed with (down), PIRELLI, SEMCO and ESPN. The memas that were added were: Flicher, Johao, and a couple more not worth mentioning.
Without wanting to bore you with details and victories that has made this great athlete, we want to thank ULI RACING TEAM for having always supported this great pilot person, and you all provided by Apollo.

GONZA FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!
We thank Juan Tourn, since the photos were took from his facebook ...