Good morning to all our dear readers ..
As always we are in this weekly dearest sport, which we each time with more love ..
Starting date analysis and saying that they are increasingly becoming more difficult to get to the stadium to the players, because they are not seeing anything is nearby the pitch ..
teams formed as follows:
Team 1:
From right to left:
Above: Diego Thul, Matias Dalmas, Manuel Dalmas
Below: Alejandro Dalmas, Federico Barolina
Team 2:
As we see with his shirt reebok in the middle ...
was to be laugh a little ..
Team 2:
From left to right:
Above: Simon Berton, Leonardo Gutierrez, Daniel Olivera
Below: Alejandro Almada, Juan Gabriel Ferandez.
Commenting on the match:
The match was played as you know in the field of Olympic Belgrano, with little presence in the stands, almost no one could say. This is believed to be due to the fact that the UTU had discount market was due, as we may imagine the police are looking for known narco "Flicher" which is thought to be involved in this sale.
The game started with 5 minutes late because the Chaca still can not get to the stadium on time. Again we had a very exciting and fought encounter, one might say "fought" can be taken quite literally, as there were many blows to this writer (CI BERTON SIMON :3837014-0) are too strong and needed no playing with friends. Okay you want to win and you get into the party and whore, but we will not go hitting on more. MY OPINION nothing else.
The match was developed with an advantage of the computer 2, the advantage was led by Simon and his new sneakers, lol, we must also thank the seal to find the switch that will not let him play in the opening minutes of the game and able to demonstrate what you know, we have to discuss the great performance of juan gabriel, which has demonstrated that gets almost like onion, we can not forget also the captain of team, Leonardo "Chaco" Gutierrez, who was able to send his team and this time came to run 40 minutes. Ending with the players of team 2, commented that Almadita, is in one of his best, used to be last man and sending the team back from behind.
Team 1, he found his game, and that Frederick failed to perform its task of 9 and the opposing team to score goals, we highlight the performance of Alexander and Manuel, who does a very good job of markers, and from there Take your computer to forward, it also mark manuel performance in goal, passing to the next we Diego Thul, which on Wednesday could play a little more to his game, and finally we have the team prodigal, matias, which attempt to get, but his cry of "Join me" proved that his team had no strength to go with it.
The game ended 10 to 9 in the hands of Team 2, the difference in the end it was great, but in my opinion deserved victory.
Well folks, I hope to see you this coming Wednesday and I will not forget you Seba, excuse me crazy ..
Later we will draw the possible alignments and more news.