Contrary to what some people think that Hancock consider whether it will be recorded in the public, so funny and original in its history. It is a simple movie, easy to understand that wears long and boring delving into explanations. It has no additives in its plot and has a fair footage. TECHNICAL
Cinemas Blog Rating:

Director: Peter Berg
Genre: Action , fantasy, comedy
Screenwriter: Vy Vincent Ngo and Vince Gilligan.
Starring: Will Smith (Hancock), Jason Bateman (Ray), Charlize Theron (Mary), Eddie Marsan (Red), David Mattey (Man Mountain), Maetrix Fitter (Matrix), Thomas Lennon (Mike), Johnny Galecki (Jeremy)
Screenwriter: Vy Vincent Ngo and Vince Gilligan.
Starring: Will Smith (Hancock), Jason Bateman (Ray), Charlize Theron (Mary), Eddie Marsan (Red), David Mattey (Man Mountain), Maetrix Fitter (Matrix), Thomas Lennon (Mike), Johnny Galecki (Jeremy)
Duration: 1:32 Minutes
Country: United States
Year: 2008
There are heroes, there are superheroes and under This list is Hancock. With great power comes a great responsibility, but everyone knows it except him. Edgy, sarcastic and misunderstood, the heroic and well-intentioned actions of Hancock's goal and saved many lives, but always cause a tremendous toll on the city. The population can do no more, and though he is grateful to have their local hero, the good citizens of Los Angeles are wondering what they have done to deserve this character. But everything changes the day Hancock saves the life of Ray Embrey, a senior public relations firm.
Amid the wave of superheroes came out of the
most popular comics in the world in recent years have invaded the big screen and will do, you see the history of Hancock, an antihero who learn to become the best and most beloved of superheroes. There is so much originality in this film that just 14 days after being released, and has achieved a collection that is fast approaching the three hundred fifty million dollars, reaffirming in this way also that Will Smith is the "King" of lockers, and that Hancock is 8 consecutive films in which it participates and gets a collection of over 100 million dollars in its first week of opening. Movies like Men in Black, I Robot, Hitch and Pursuit of Happiness that earned him his second Oscar nomination in the Best Actor, are part of this new record.
Amid the wave of superheroes came out of the

This story does not seem though, had a great
number of setbacks since its inception in 1996, deepens and experience the emotions of human beings, is an attractive and very sensitive film. Unlike other superheroes, Hancock has its own history, one true. He really did not want to be who he is and spares no effort to show everyone his trouble, but everything has a purpose and although it is extremely strong, as any human has a turning point. All these elements are its greatest allure and deserve to be seen, because without doubt, her story is innovative, unique, well imagined and with an interesting surprise factor.

film despite the use of sophisticated devices that combined the success of the reality with technology, using virtual sets with real others, is for the public a simple ribbon, very easy to see, understand and enjoy. It is true that it lacks a clear explanation to another, but are not strictly necessary in the plot. Contrary to what some think, this removes the additions to longer stories to the point of boredom. I must confess I did not believe in this story, but really surprised me. Over time Hancock is improving and increasing the emotions. It is hard to let pass by her story. The address of the actor, producer and screenwriter Peter Berg in general no major surprises, the narrative structure is well defined, and its rate is constant and very good speed.

What I liked: the performance of Will Smith
What I liked least: nothing especially
Good Luck! And do not forget to be yourself those who give a score to the film. Thanks.
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