Director and Screenwriter: Gustavo Torres Gil
Genre: Thriller
Starring: GAVO Figueira, Kevin Towers, Glenmy Rodriguez, Claudia Cadavid, July Sastoque, Carlos Velasquez, Natalie Morales, Matt Silva, Manuel Bautista, Antonio Santana, Enrique Monzon, Sandra Matheus
Duration: 1:30 Min
Country: Colombia
Year: 2008
As the director Carlos Moreno de Dog Eat Dog wanted to start with a genre film (thriller) and debut as the director himself has Gustavo Torres Gil with his first feature film called The Room (The Fourth). He is a telecommunications engineer by formal film studies abroad, has made the production of short films such as The Promenade and Karne in which participated also as director. So far the film has been financed entirely with private capital and are waiting to appear in the incentive program of the Ministry of Culture in post-production mode. Although the film has not yet been released in the country, has already begun to do a major tour in some international festivals and has confirmed their participation in the version number 25 Film Festival Bogota to be held in the month of October 2008.
"To begin, please contémosle a little Cinemas Blog readers what it is about the film.
The fourth is a thriller about the dark and dangerous secrets shared by Simon, a boy of 12 years, its new physical education teacher and the school principal, a Catholic priest.
Simon, a lonely child who has lost his father in a tragic accident, he discovers the true intentions of the mysterious new professor of physical education (Mario), who has been involved romantically with his beautiful mother (Sarah) all under the prying eyes of the priest, school principal.
In a departure from the school where Mario mysteriously disappears, Simon and his friends, accidentally observed a black mass and find a locket that belongs to a satanic group. The children decide to keep the medallion, and this brings dire consequences for everyone.
Without trying to make any moral judgments, the plot deals with issues taboos such as pedophilia, Satanism, religion and family descompocision, all wrapped in a thriller that keeps viewers in suspense for 90 minutes.
The fourth is a Colombian film other than those that have been previously by subject, staging and treatment used, the proposed film and editing is very conservative, simple, smooth camera movement and full of frames and natural cuts, giving more prominence to the story itself that the camera technology. The color correction reflects a very subtle way the different moments of the plot.

"When and How did the idea for" The Fourth "?.
The fourth was born into a long conversation with my childhood friend, Leonardo Gonzalez (production manager in the film). During the winter of 2003-2004, ran from Niagara Falls to Boston and burn time called Leonardo to Bogota, we had several ideas in development, but in this we sum up call 3 hours a lot and decided to give the green light to the film and start working on the development the story about Simon, the character of the child. The script is not based on real events, but there are many real elements in the story, for example the school principal priest in the film came from Boston, and at that time were uncovered many scandals of the church in that city. The concrete frame of the movie came a couple of months later I was in Seattle trying a few teams and one morning I woke up with the idea in his head, marching in my mind like a movie, it remained to write the script, a process that took about a year and more than a dozen versions. During this time and the development team had increased, Julio Velandia, a friend who lives in Canada (and executive producer of the film) joined our creative sessions and the three refine details and gave shape to the history and final script that was used for filming.
"Why choose such a psychological thriller debut and not typical of Colombian cinema issues: drugs, humor?.
I like the genre, that is the main reason, I like that manipulation of the spectator point of view and management of information supplied to it, but there are also more pragmatic reasons, with our budget, a thriller it was easier to perform. Make humor ... Good humor is very difficult. I'm not interested in making a drug movie, I have no history or reference, and finally produce an action film is expensive, so given this background, the best option was to make a thriller also wanted to tell the story works very well within that genre.
"How long took the recordings of film and where was filmed?.
Principal photography took place between April and June 2006. A second unit worked in inserts, additional scenes and establishments between July and August 2007.
The filming took place mostly in Bogotá. Other locations include La Calera, Melgar and Boqueron in Colombia, as well as Dallas and Orlando, USA.
"What are the influences and references of Gustavo Torres Gil?.
My biggest influence in film is Alfred Hitchcock, I have all his movies are available on DVD, I see and study regularly. Probably some people will see some elements Hitchcockeanos in the room.
"He was involved not only in direction but in the screenplay and film editing. How was that experience?.
"The division has an international art fee. Why this choice?, Who are they?
was not a particular decision, it just happened and the actors were cast based on that and the availability of them made the choice. They are Gavo Figueira (Portugal, Venezuela) and Glenmy Rodriguez (Cuba).
" The film competed in the International Film Festival England. In what category and what was the reception? Initially
Official selection and then was nominated for Best First International. Although there were the category winners was very important for us to be involved and receive a nomination, it meant an endorsement of the work and the good product that we gestate.
"was also selected to attend the Orlando Film Festival Florida, how can you tell us about it?.
The Festival of Central Florida in Orlando, then the film is an official selection, the fourth has been programmed with two functions on August 29 and 30, 2008. The presentation of films in this festival is public, some events are held workshops and seminars for filmmakers.
"On Thursday June 19, the film was shown for the first time in Universal Studios in Hollywood, how was this experience and interesting things can you tell us?.
was a very good experience. The feedback we receive from cinematographers, producers and designers at the event were very positive, was really encouraging and exciting to see our little movie, the first to do, compete face to face with productions that cost 10 times more and by producing a lot more experience. Having been selected from over 100 films to be shown at this event, aimed primarily at professional environment, is a true honor, and I take this opportunity to thank all those who worked for the past two years and made possible the Fourth, everyone, Thanks a million.
"Have you had time to think about what comes after" The Fourth "?.
Yes, we are developing an adaptation of a British novel of the last century, the tentative title is THE TERRORIST. This is a project for 2009. We are also producing the winning short film of the call HDCC2008, entitled THE RIDE, written by Raul Gutierrez, a film student Bucaramanga.
"Finally, Cinemas want to congratulate you on the path that has been going around this movie, I wish you much luck and want you to send a greeting and an invitation to readers who do not miss it.
Thank you for publicizing our film on his website.
Greetings to all readers Cinemas, I call you especially to see the room when you arrive in Colombia, the trailer and additional information is available at http://www.gtgproducciones.com/ . TRAILER
Good Luck!
The fourth was born into a long conversation with my childhood friend, Leonardo Gonzalez (production manager in the film). During the winter of 2003-2004, ran from Niagara Falls to Boston and burn time called Leonardo to Bogota, we had several ideas in development, but in this we sum up call 3 hours a lot and decided to give the green light to the film and start working on the development the story about Simon, the character of the child. The script is not based on real events, but there are many real elements in the story, for example the school principal priest in the film came from Boston, and at that time were uncovered many scandals of the church in that city. The concrete frame of the movie came a couple of months later I was in Seattle trying a few teams and one morning I woke up with the idea in his head, marching in my mind like a movie, it remained to write the script, a process that took about a year and more than a dozen versions. During this time and the development team had increased, Julio Velandia, a friend who lives in Canada (and executive producer of the film) joined our creative sessions and the three refine details and gave shape to the history and final script that was used for filming.
"Why choose such a psychological thriller debut and not typical of Colombian cinema issues: drugs, humor?.
I like the genre, that is the main reason, I like that manipulation of the spectator point of view and management of information supplied to it, but there are also more pragmatic reasons, with our budget, a thriller it was easier to perform. Make humor ... Good humor is very difficult. I'm not interested in making a drug movie, I have no history or reference, and finally produce an action film is expensive, so given this background, the best option was to make a thriller also wanted to tell the story works very well within that genre.
"How long took the recordings of film and where was filmed?.
Principal photography took place between April and June 2006. A second unit worked in inserts, additional scenes and establishments between July and August 2007.
The filming took place mostly in Bogotá. Other locations include La Calera, Melgar and Boqueron in Colombia, as well as Dallas and Orlando, USA.
"What are the influences and references of Gustavo Torres Gil?.
My biggest influence in film is Alfred Hitchcock, I have all his movies are available on DVD, I see and study regularly. Probably some people will see some elements Hitchcockeanos in the room.
"He was involved not only in direction but in the screenplay and film editing. How was that experience?.
Work on the script and editing, for me it was an integral part of the process. Making a film is a collective work which involves many people, but it needs to maintain unity in the concept, provide order and show leadership. I had a clear vision of the film very early in the process, and for me, the only way to keep that vision was actively involved in the script, editing, color correction, etc.

was not a particular decision, it just happened and the actors were cast based on that and the availability of them made the choice. They are Gavo Figueira (Portugal, Venezuela) and Glenmy Rodriguez (Cuba).
them 's contribution was invaluable, as experience and perspective that is brought from overseas can be very different from local, there are always elements of mutual learning.
An integral part of the film is music that was composed and recorded in Croatia by Maro Market, a talented young European musician.
"Are Colombian artists in the cast? Tell us a little about them. We
involving Claudia Cadavid, who has experience in theater and serials in Colombia, Carlos Velasquez, also an actor with extensive experience in television and theater in Colombia. We were fortunate to have Sastoque July, a veteran Colombian television actor, with over 40 years experience in TV, film and theater. We all learned a lot from him. Finally, in his first starring role is the child Kevin Towers, formerly of The Fourth had small stakes series and novels in Colombia.
"When will" The Room "at the cinema in Colombia?.
hope the film between a billboard for the third quarter of 2008 or first quarter of 2009, we are still working out the details of the distribution, which can sometimes be more difficult, costly and complicated than the film itself , especially for a project like ours.
For now we stand in the Bogota Film Festival in October.
An integral part of the film is music that was composed and recorded in Croatia by Maro Market, a talented young European musician.
"Are Colombian artists in the cast? Tell us a little about them. We
involving Claudia Cadavid, who has experience in theater and serials in Colombia, Carlos Velasquez, also an actor with extensive experience in television and theater in Colombia. We were fortunate to have Sastoque July, a veteran Colombian television actor, with over 40 years experience in TV, film and theater. We all learned a lot from him. Finally, in his first starring role is the child Kevin Towers, formerly of The Fourth had small stakes series and novels in Colombia.
"When will" The Room "at the cinema in Colombia?.
hope the film between a billboard for the third quarter of 2008 or first quarter of 2009, we are still working out the details of the distribution, which can sometimes be more difficult, costly and complicated than the film itself , especially for a project like ours.
For now we stand in the Bogota Film Festival in October.

Official selection and then was nominated for Best First International. Although there were the category winners was very important for us to be involved and receive a nomination, it meant an endorsement of the work and the good product that we gestate.
"was also selected to attend the Orlando Film Festival Florida, how can you tell us about it?.
The Festival of Central Florida in Orlando, then the film is an official selection, the fourth has been programmed with two functions on August 29 and 30, 2008. The presentation of films in this festival is public, some events are held workshops and seminars for filmmakers.
"On Thursday June 19, the film was shown for the first time in Universal Studios in Hollywood, how was this experience and interesting things can you tell us?.
was a very good experience. The feedback we receive from cinematographers, producers and designers at the event were very positive, was really encouraging and exciting to see our little movie, the first to do, compete face to face with productions that cost 10 times more and by producing a lot more experience. Having been selected from over 100 films to be shown at this event, aimed primarily at professional environment, is a true honor, and I take this opportunity to thank all those who worked for the past two years and made possible the Fourth, everyone, Thanks a million.
"Have you had time to think about what comes after" The Fourth "?.
Yes, we are developing an adaptation of a British novel of the last century, the tentative title is THE TERRORIST. This is a project for 2009. We are also producing the winning short film of the call HDCC2008, entitled THE RIDE, written by Raul Gutierrez, a film student Bucaramanga.
"Finally, Cinemas want to congratulate you on the path that has been going around this movie, I wish you much luck and want you to send a greeting and an invitation to readers who do not miss it.
Thank you for publicizing our film on his website.
Greetings to all readers Cinemas, I call you especially to see the room when you arrive in Colombia, the trailer and additional information is available at http://www.gtgproducciones.com/ . TRAILER
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Good Luck!
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