Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Prithviraj Chethna Mallige

won the DAL-IN BAR-MAS or

As you wish, but you call them as Plasco, but the quintet formed by: Alejandro
Dalmas, Manuel Dalmas, Matias Dalmas, Federico Barolina Barolina and Sebastian, just beat the team of Leonardo Gutierrez, Iaio , Daniel Olivera, Alejandro Almada and Simon Berton.

The match was played at the OLIMPIC BELGRANO, the new stadium has been chosen FF5 for the championship, not yet has been confirmed, but is studying to be fixed and the 2 teams so they can keep playing ...

The fact that the wind leaks like fifteen drunken birthday at 5 in the morning ...

On the pitch we can say is in perfect condition, and he was a football back and forth for 90 minutes. Although one must be careful not to break with a column ....

to fans who could not attend today we want to say that the facility has a platform, called Platform Gonzalo Dalmas .. In memory of a great football star 5.

We must also comment that the Dalmas Barolina team deserved the win, played well y supieron hacer los goles que animicamente derrotaron al equipo rival..

Los esperamos el miércoles que viene a la misma hora y en el mismo canal!!!!


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